At this time of year, most of us are going through the whole process of getting our kids back to school. We understand that the meaning of that — for parents as well as the youngsters themselves — is that we all get back to our “regular life” of classes, homework, consistent sleeping hours and after-school events. Summer is declared “over” and, with that recognition everyone in the family takes a metaphoric sigh of relief as we return to “normal.”
We seem to know inherently that the seasons of our life require us to make plans that support us in accomplishing the goals of that part of life. And, by appropriately planning for whatever time of our life it is, a sense of order returns inside us.
So, in the part of the life cycle where we’re raising children, their education and well-being becomes a primary organizing principle for concerned parents. And although it may look very different to be sharing your home and/or your life parenting your aging parents rather than your blossoming children, in fact, it turns out to be much the same in many ways.
Even when we no longer have kids to get back to school, as the seasons change we human settle back into our “regular” ways. We return to patterns and rhythms that now become more typical of this part of the life cycle, the POPcycle. We find our aging parents wanting to stay inside more, rushing through their outside activities and even interpersonal interactions because it’s cold or wet. POParents may notice their senior loved ones are less able to pay attention after the sun sets, which happens earlier as the fall slips into winter months. Now it is these events that seems to organize our family and require us to make plans many have been putting off, often until a crisis arises, for our senior loved ones’ care and well-being.
Whether we’re fortunate enough to have young children or aging parents to plan for — or both — let us aim to both plan for and enjoy every season of our life. By looking ahead and facing the truth about those we love and their predictable aging, we can plan for what’s ahead.
However, if you’re a part of the many families that is still living “in denial,” having difficulties making POPlans and/or transforming the challenges of this part of life into that journey of love, let us at www.ParentingOurParents (POP) help you. We have Certified POP Family Coaches , trained specifically to help you and your family have the necessary conversations you may have been putting off, get the information and make important decisions.
By taking the time to sit with your family and make POPlans, you can then take that metaphoric sigh of relief, allowing you all to celebrate each and every day.