All celebrations, like Father’s Day this Sunday, hold the possibility for much joy or sadness. What makes the difference in how we feel?
It turns out that it’s less the events that transpire that bring us joy, or its opposite, than how we consider and interpret those events to ourselves and then how we conduct ourselves in regards to those events.
This year, you may be fortunate enough to have your own aging father, or your beloved father figure, alive this Father’s Day. If so, aim to honor him for who he is and what he’s done in his lifetime. Be mindful of the fact that he may not be fulfilling all your expectations of what you wanted in a Dad. Maybe he never did. But perhaps the more valuable question to ask yourself, if you’re disappointed is this:
What did YOU learn from having the father you had?
Or maybe, like me, your Dad lives on only as a memory. Those grieving a “lost” Dad or other loved one may find this Sunday particularly challenging. No, things aren’t the same without that person this year. You and I could spend Father’s Day imagining the joy others must be experiencing, having fun and making new memories with their Dads. Or we could spend part of the day reminding ourselves of the legacy our very own fathers left behind – their work, their children and grandchildren. We could ponder how we became better individuals, even better parents from the lessons of our parents.
If you have a senior parent that you’re parenting, your Sunday may be spent doing something that’s really hard but feels truly wonderful.
If you need help to help them, and it’s likely you will, contact us for some POP Family Coaching: you and they will love the results!!