Navigation: POP Community Forums New Member Introductions New to the Group

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  • #3312
    Brenna Mitchell

    I read Jane’s article in Feb. Science of Mind and immediately sought out this group. I am a caretaker that is learning the hard way to ask (and accept) for help. Both my Parents are terminal..insisting on staying in the home…My biggest struggles right now are not to take everything too personally ( my Mother’s behavior has changed since radiation treatments) and balancing the relationships I have with my partner, friends and grown children, as I seem to come back empty after the long days of Dr.s appointments, shopping, picking up scripts, trying to get my Parents to eat…etc. etc. etc.  Looking forward to being a part of this group.

    Hi Brenna,
    Welcome to the POP community!  We understand what you are going through and have several resources here at POP to help you with your journey.
    Please take advantage of the following resources:
    – Jane’s book, “OH MY GOD! WE’RE PARENTING OUR PARENTS: How to Transform this Remarkable Challenge into a Journey of Love,” – available for purchase at our website, in both Kindle and paperback as well as at
    – Our Certified POP Family Coaching program where you can hire someone to work with you, your parents, your siblings over time.
    – Our growing offerings on the Blog and our Resources page
    With the help of these resources and your new found skills of asking and receiving the help you need, we are confident you will find the balance you are looking for in your life.
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