We put my Mom into memory care yesterday. Things went great for the first 6 hours. She liked the place, thought it was great that we’d hung some of her treasures and brought her recliner in etc. My sister was here from Indiana and we played some viola-cello duets for she and the residents, things were going great until my sister and Dad needed to go. She began crying and pushing her walker away, saying “its time to take me home!” They did the best they could do but she’s having a difficult time understanding why she’s there. Wants to know, when can I go, why am I here, what did I do to deserve this? I’m not going to see her today as she’s had two visitors and it seems like she does better when people aren’t leaving her. I’ve mentioned to the people that visit, to reassure her, this will only be for a little while and when she’s better, we’ll get her where she wants to be.
I guess my questions are, how long does this last? What can we do to make it better? does anyone have some good ideas to help her with her pain? (Mine too for that matter!) We’ll be contacting her Dr. to find some type of tranq or anti-anxiety meds but it’s Saturday and that’s two days away.
Thank you in advance for any guidance.