What’s POP Family Coaching?
POP Family Coaching is a specialized type of coaching. It resembles other, well-respected forms of coaching – like athletic, life or business coaching.
POP Family Coaching is a highly focused method in which your family is guided and mentored as a team through the challenges of the “POPcycle” – that part of your family’s life cycle when your aging parents become increasingly needy of their children for their wellbeing, safety and to enjoy meaningful final days.
Our coaches (PFC’s) have undergone significant instruction to become POP/PFC certified professionals, trained in Jane’s established methods of inquiry and support. Many of these PFC’s are just like you, having worked through their own personal POPcycle years as well as having received this professional training.
How is POP Family Coaching Uniquely Useful?
POP Family Coaching is uniquely useful in that our coaches are taught to work skillfully with your family’s unique personal “dynamics” at the same time they honor the special nature of your POP family’s story and cultural values.
POP Family Coaching allows for you to bring into your coaching sessions anyone on “TEAM POP” – your collection of family members and others who’ve become helpful with “problem-solving” aspects of your aging parents’ needs. Over time, your TEAM POP may expand, on occasion, to include your parents’ professionals, caregivers even their close friends or neighbors who have something helpful to contribute.
POP Family Coaching is uniquely useful in forming a workable TEAM POP that can meet in person and/or electronically over Skype, a video-audio connection utilizing the Internet, encouraging full participation from people who may be geographically near or far.
Your POP Family Coach is committed to working “as needed” throughout your family’s POPcycle, a period of time that may span months, years or even decades. As a result, your family can look forward to the continuity that has proven a great comfort to families who’ve worked with Jane, as you can read about in the Testimonials section.
POP Family Coaching provides your family an invaluable resource because our coaches “have been there” — where you are – themselves; they have the perspective of having worked with many other POP families and they have a methodology that works.